miércoles, 25 de junio de 2014

Silla Ghost.........Ghost chair

Tengo que reconocer que este post me lo ha inspirado un aniversario.
 Una mañana me levanté, encendí el ordenador mientras se hacia el café y al abrir el facebook para ver las novedades de mis amigos descubrí una efeméride que me dejo absolutamente impactada. "Caza fantasmas cumple 30 años".....No podía ser, esto tenia que estar equivocado, no podían haber pasado 30 años ya. Rauda y veloz, y sorprendentemente despejada a pesar de no haberme tomado aún el café, busqué en  Google y en efecto, era de 1984.

Mucho ha llovido ya desde que la viese en un pequeño cine de mi pueblo, rodeada de niños, patatas, palotes y peta zetas, pero sigue pareciéndome una obra maestra. "Ghostbusters" bramaba  Ray parker Jr desde mi ordenador, "Ghostbusters" bramaba yo con entusiasmo haciéndole los coros.....

Y Ghost, Ghost, me vino a la mente una de las sillas mas extraordinarias que puedes encontrarte en el mercado,  la silla Louis Ghost de Philippe Starck,(mas que silla es una butaca, porque tiene brazos, la silla se llama Victoria), hecha en policarbonato y disponible en 8 colores.

Queda absolutamente perfecta en el comedor, acompañando a una mesa de roble antigua o como silla en un despacho, en el exterior, incluso en las habitaciones infantiles (la versión infantil se llama Lou Lou)

Si no la conoces no sabes lo que te pierdes.

To start with I must confess that this post was inspired by an anniversary.

I got up one morning, switched on my computer while the coffee was brewing and when I open Facebook to see what was up with my friends I discovered an event that absolutely shocked me: It was 30 years since the release of “Ghostbusters”. It could not be, it had to be wrong, it was impossible that 30 years has already passed since that day. Quick and swift, and surprisingly clear minded in spite of not having drank my coffee yet, I searched in Google and sure enough, the year was right, 1984.

A lot has happened since I watched that film in a little venue in my village, surrounded by children, crisps, candy and “peta-zetas”, but I still consider it as a masterpiece.  “Ghostbusters” shouted Ray Parker, Jr. from my computer, “Ghostbusters” would I enthusiastically reply singing back.

Ghost by ghost, it came to my mind one of the most extraordinary chairs you can buy, the Louis Ghost chair, by Phillipe Starck (really it is more an armchair rather than a chair and its real name is victoria). It is made out of polycarbonate and it is available in 8 colors.

It looks absolutely perfect in the dining room, matching with an old oak table, or as an office chair, or outside, even in children’s rooms, and then they call it Lou Lou.

If you don’t know it yet you should not miss it.

Fotos via pinterest

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