jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

De tiendas.....Shopping

Hay tiendas  en los que no pondrías un pie ni aunque de ello dependiera tu vida, simplemente son sitios aburridos, sin chispa, ni mejor ni peor que otros cientos de sitios como ellos. Sin embargo hay otros, en los que solo traspasar sus puertas ya empiezas a sentir el vértigo de no saber donde posar tus ojos o tus manos. 

Es el caso de Baileys home and garden. Un local situado en Herefordshire del que no querréis salir nunca. Muebles reciclados, sofas chester, muebles vintage, pilas y pilas de objetos de lo mas variopinto, todo ello dentro de un imponente cottage.

There are shops where you would never set a foot in even if your life was at stake simply because they are boring places, no charm, and no better or worse than any other shop. However, there are places where just after crossing the door you begin to feel vertigo and cannot decide where to lay your eyes or your hands.

This is the case with Baileys Home&Garden. The shop is in Herefordshire, and once in you would not want to leave ever. Recycled furniture, chesterfield sofas or piles and piles of the most diverse objects, all of them inside a stunning cottage.

Fotos via freundevonfreunden

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